GEPS Centenary 1915 - 2015

Glen Eden Primary School Centenary

1915 -2015

Thank you so much everyone for your support of the Centenary celebrations. From 5.45am when so many of you assembled for the blessing of the pou, I could tell that we had a great day in store.

Mr Read, Mr Thomson and Jingo led the powhiri with great style and aplomb. Well done and thank you. Thank you also to Mrs Semmons and the fabulous karanga girls.

The day just got better as it flowed along. We have had much praise from the ex-pupils and staff for the concert. They loved you Glen Eden!

The Friday night and the Saturday night were also very successful, everyone had a great time. So many of the staff came along on the Friday night and worked all night. What a team!

Glen Eden Primary School
makes learning an enjoyable
and rewarding experience
for our tamariki.



Phone: (09) 818 6686
Mobile: 027 337 7002



Glen Eden Primary School
3 Glenview Rd
Glen Eden,
Auckland 0602